Vilnios atspindžiai

2021 - 2022
"Neakivaizdinis Vilnius" magazine

A seasonal comic book series focusing on both the historical and contemporary stories, figures and events in and aroung the city of Vilnius. The name of the series - "The reflections of Vilnia" represents the diverse background of the city - Jewish Wilne, Polish Wilna and Lithuanian Vilnius. It also has a verbal connection to the main waterways of the city - Neris river, which was used to be called Vilija and Vilnia (Vilnelė) stream. The well known writer Ričardas Gavelis once stated that "Neris remembers it all. It is a magical river, you just need to hear what it is saying. I sometimes do."

Released episodes:

#1 2021 Autumn - Dammed Turniškės
#2 2021 Winter - Sluška the damned
#3 2022 Spring - The legacy of Frediani
#4 2022 Summer - Vilnius loves Ukraine
#5 2022 Autumn - The death and reincarnation of "Lariokas" kiosk